Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 10 - Palauea and Big Beaches

We stopped at the small parking lot for Chang's Beach. When Nyleen stepped out of the car she discovered this cute bug.  It chased after me when I moved it with my car keys.  I then introduced it to the bottom of my sandal and it was a good bug after that - even the little ants liked it...
Chang's beach was a bit small and the water by the surf break was brownish red...
We then went to Palauea Beach.  I snorkeled the northern reef which was fairly good when I got a good ways off shore..
I dug another big hole looking for a big crab and did not find it.  So I buried both children this time...
We then visited Big Beach.  The surf break was a bit too much for the kids, but I had a good time getting pounded into the sand and tumbled...
Nyleen and I walked up the bluff to get a good picture of Big Beach with Neil below...
The other side of the bluff is Little Beach.  There were some people over there who apparently could not afford a swimsuit or forgot to bring a suit...
Neil was telling us that there were some bees where I put our cooler/pack...
The kids liked building tunnels into the sand bank and trying to reenforce them with sand barriers for protection from the waves that made it up there...