Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 7 - Mokule'ia Bay and Oneloa Beach

I spent the morning doing laundry.

We then visited Mokule'ia Bay for a bit...
Oneloa Beach from the boardwalk - we like the south end as the wind is deflected there and boogie boarding is safest.  The kids liked me digging up little crabs and we built a thunderdome to see watch 6 crabs escape and make it to the ocean....
Time to go - clean your sandals...
We ate dinner nearby at the China Boat.  The kids then begged me to take them to the glow in the dark putt putt in Lahaina.  I got the hole in one on the last hole which earned us a free ice cream from Cold Stone.  We shopped at Safeway and bought some yummy variants of poke (salmon, spicy octopus and spicy tuna).